Bring LivePC GivePC to life with the inaugural Pottery Olympics at Kimball Art Center.This all-ages event showcases the talent of the local Park City ceramics community while allowing spectators a chance to contribute by adding their clay creation to a giant clay structure.
- 12:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. Collaborative Clay Activity: Make your mark by contributing to a giant clay sculpture.
- 3:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. Pottery Olympic Games: Watch the best local potters face-off in the fast-paced Pottery Olympic Games. Emcee, Claire Sipos will give pottery trivia, as potters compete for gold.
Light refreshments will be served.
The Pottery Olympics take place in Kimball Art Center’s Ceramics Studio.
To help generate support for the Live PC Give PC fundraising efforts, we are seeking sponsors for each potter. A Potter Sponsorship is $5. Potters with the most number of sponsors by the end of the games will be awarded with a free class at Kimball Art Center! Indicate your favorite participating potter or simply donate to the cause.
Join in on Park City’s community day of giving as artists from the Kimball Art Center clay studio participate in the Pottery Olympics. Volunteers are needed to help support the Pottery Olympics in a variety of roles including a referee, pot runners, a sponsorship manager, support for our collaborative clay activity and more!